Thursday, March 7, 2013

MINI BC Update: One Week Later we are...

A week after Pooh's BC and she is loving it! She has been wearing twist/braid/Bantu knot outs for the week. Today she really liked her style- a puff! :)

Thought I would share...

I can tell the difference in her hairstyles. I think really we all can (dad included). One thing I'm really able to notice more is that she is going to have BIG HAIR! Her hair is different than mine in that way. Anyway, here a few pics.

Until next time....

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

This Weekend Right HERE!!!!!

Hello again and thanks for coming back. This weekend here was quite a lonnnnnnng weekend for that hair process business LOL! It took me forever to finish my wash session which usually only runs a few hours…this week it was a few days! LOL Seriously!

I started VERY early Saturday morning, browsing YouTube for some styles to do. I thought to do flat twist up with perm rods and so I tested a perm rod on my hair and let it dry. It turned out good but for some reason or another, I decided against it. But I did go ahead and kick my process off with a baggy session. See, this week I didn’t co-wash and I mainly kept my hair moisturized by putting water on it and adding oils. No butters or anything….yeah, I know better! :-/

So anyway, by the time wash day rolled around, my hair was extremely dry. Not only that, I’d been wearing my afro out and it had been rather cold this week. So that didn’t help; because of this I decided to baggy my hair or do the “GHE” (Green House Effect). I slightly dampened my hair and added oil to it. Then I placed a plastic shower cap over my hair and left it there overnight. The next day my hair was ready and moisturized. For the style, I decided to protect it by wearing a faux bun.

Later on Saturday night, I did my hot oil treatment. Again, lasting longer than usual because I had to leave the house and run errands (yep, at midnight :-/) so my hot oil treatment was about an hour and half. After washing my hair with my shampoo mix (ACV, Tressemme conditioner, and water) I then put in my deep conditioner.

Originally I’d plan to use an avocado and cucumber mix but it was already 2am! Soooo…..I went back to last week’s conditioner: Aloe Vera Juice, Infusium 23 conditioner, grapeseed oil, and tea tree oil. I covered my hair with the plastic bag, turned Netflix to Breaking Bad annnnnnnnnnnnd fell asleep! LOL So my DC was at least 5 hours. I think I woke up at 7:30am or something around there.

This week I didn’t do the Aloe Vera Juice rinse either over the DC; I simply finger detangled and went on. I was on a time schedule now; had to finish styling before church! I did a length check and to my surprise retained a considerable amount of growth for 3 weeks! I was pleased!!!! I did not experience much shedding either. I’m starting to think that wearing my afro out is a “protective style” in itself because it’s low manipulation. Ever since I took my twist down, that’s the only style I’ve been wearing it in. As long as I don’t let my hair get bone dry, I’m thinking that could work.

ANYWAY…after my length check I did flat twist coming up in the back and then regular two strand twists at the top. The original plan was to wear the style for at least a week but now I’m shooting for two weeks. I want to wear it up one week and out another week (meaning untwist them for a “twist out.”

So there you have it folks…my weekend wash cycle. OH! And I also recorded my entire wash cycle this week. It is mainly for documentation but I hope it helps someone! Click below for the video!

Thanks for reading!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Pooh's Mini BC


We finally did it! February 27, 2013 - I cut all of the damaged ends off of Pooh's hair.  It was about 3 inches, more or less.  She was still pleased with it and even explained in the video that I was cutting her damaged ends off.  She liked the puff that she ended with and so I did a style based around the puff that she wanted to wear. 

I went ahead and DC'd her hair with the same DC I used from last week.  To condition I used the Hello Hydration, (more or less to see how it worked as a co-wash) but it was a fail.  It did not cleanse her hair like the Tressemme Naturals.  Needless to say, I always return to old faithful Tressemme! :)

I am pleased overall and simply ready to see her hair thrive.  I did not do a length check due to time but I will next week when I take her hair down to style again. is the link to the YouTube video!!