Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Welllllll it looks like my baby girl will be getting a BC soon....I haven't decided whether to transition or just cut it off. I am not happy, not happy at all!!!! The first two pictures are the before pictures, the last is just a portion of how it looks. There are several strands that won't even curl and just stay straight. :-/

I have already tried one protein treatment without much luck. :-(


  1. I know I'm coming late to the party but did you straighten and she got some heat damage? If so then you know you gotta cut it but you don't have to do it all at once.

    1. Hey! It seems like some type of heat was applied while she was away from me. :-/ I decided to cut off an inch a month. :-(

  2. Her curls are nice. I wish her a healthy hair journey.

