Friday, January 25, 2013

Maintaining Yarn Twists

Well both the girl's hair have been in yarn twist and will be for a few more weeks. Even though this helps on styling I am still "doing" something to their hair nightly even if its just putting their bonnet or scarf on.

Moisture---- Even though I am not styling, I am still inspecting their scalp and new growth for moisture. I re-moisturize every two to three days. I have a bottle of conditioner, oil, and water mix. I spray this on their hair and scalp. Then I apply the Shea butter mix to the hair, not scalp. To the scalp, I apply coconut oil.

Cleansing---- The regimen for this is quite simple. I will wash every 2-3 weeks depending on my schedule. However through the week I spray with apple coder vinegar and water mix. With KK being so young, I also have to inspect for food! Anyway, when I wash I will use a new concoction that I need to add to the regimen: a mix of apple cider vinegar, conditioner, and water. The key thing is making sure to squeeze the product in really good. Then as I'm rinsing to squeeze the product out. I will lock in moisture from the wash the same way- applying oil and Shea butter.

One thing I also inspect - TENSION BUMPS! I've found about two in KK's twist. Usually from the ponytails because she, unlike Pooh, doesn't like to wear her hair down. So that's one thing I look for and remain mindful of.

So, that's pretty much how I maintain these twists. The only deviation from our regular regimen is that I don't wash as often. The yarn holds the moisture really well so it's not really necessary and inspecting the twists and scalp help me determine when it's time to wash.

And that's all folks!!


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