Wednesday, January 2, 2013

January Protective Style of the Month: Yarn Twists

A protective style is just as implied, it protects your child's hair from high manipulation, which leads to breakage.  The best thing about protective styling is that as a mommy, it eases the burden of having to style their hair each day.  Because you are not submitting the hair to constant manipulation, it allows it to just grow.  My length goal for Pooh (the oldest) is waist length by the end of the year (as well as growing out all of the damaged ends from excessive heat).  Therefore I will be utilizing protective styles for at least the next few months consistently.  For myself, I also have a goal to reach bra strap length by the end of the year.  I will be utilizing protective styles at least through April 20th which will mark my 1 year since my BC (big chop).  I will talk more on length goals and other things I am doing to get there.  But for right now, low manipulation, protective styles is the main thing.
I've chosen as a protective style: yarn twist.  I have not "up'd my game" on braiding yet, so for now I will stick with yarn.  Yes, regular yarn from Walmart.  From November to December, both my oldest daughter and I wore yarn twist.  We both experienced a great amount of new growth.  I co-washed our hair every other week.  I went several days with moisturizing because the yarn tends to hold in the moisture and does a great job!  When I took down her hair, it was MEGA soft!!!
This week, I will be re-installing the yarn twist.  Since the curling souffle seems to work incredibly well for moisture and hold, that is the only styling product I will use.  I will go step by step through the normal regimen completing a protein treatment this week and then proceeding to install the yarn twist for this month's style.  (Our regimen can be found on a previous post.)
I will co-wash every other week.  I will also use the handy dandy spray bottle of water and ACV if need be.  One way that I fight the frizz is to use a stocking over her hair and then add the bonnet.  I will add coconut oil to the scalp as needed. 

My first set of yarn twist, installed by me :)
KK's first protective style with yarn.  (Inspired by -GREAT WEBSITE!!!!)
Pooh's first set of yarn twist...the very last week before I took them down.
What are some styles you use to protect your child's hair for a longer period of time?

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